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May 29, 2005

Do you feel lost sometimes??
Keke.. I do and really dislike this feeling..Sometimes, it's jus so strange how you have been waiting and looking forward for something or someone but when it is finally here.. Gosh, how could I have done stupid things like this??
It's really difficult to make things perfect.. so long as there is no regrets, life is worth the while..

The week has been short yet long.. contradicting huh?? Hehe.. Short week at work.. busy busy and days jus passed like that!Same for J.. He has been working 16hrs a day since tues!! Long becos..

Yeah, finally the wkend is here again and we can have our break from work.. Hmm, i foresee next week to be just as long again.. but at least J doesn't have to work so long hours lah.. that's gd enuf =p

Today at little Jing Rui's birthday party was just so choatic.. hahah.. so many people.. not only at their chalet but also around..J and me got the little one a toy.. still rem how nephew Javiar managed to 'dissemble' the picture book.. hahahha

I asked, there are too many cars in the country? Why is the carparks always full? silly me huh? But J still answered, not really.. not as bad as 2 yrs ago.. Felt funny commenting and asking that.. also din ask him why some more.. Hahah.. I always have so many qns to ask.. Hohohoho!!

Arh, I seldom carry babies.. think they are so fragile.. So never have the 'experience' hehe... But tonite, nephew Javiar clinged on me and din wanna let go.. He refused to let anyone else carry him.. He's heavy but enjoyed carrying him =)

Lyn smile @ 2:36 AM

May 23, 2005

23rd May 2005! yep, 5th yr we celebrate J's birthday =p
Happy BirthdaY, J!

This year's b-day has been simple and nice.. jus as you wanted it to be.. =)
Though we can't have a proper meal together, jus two of us, really enjoyed having dinners with you relatives yesterday and your family tonite!
okie, those yummy sinful kueh and mudpie over dinners compensate everything.. =p
happy that you r happy =)

Jing Rui is so cute.. everyone was captivated by this four mth old baby boy! Cun help but took a pic of him sleeping.. He can sleep and wake up to drink milk then sleep again.. Jus like J.. keke.. Gonna see the other 1 yr old Jing Rui this coming wkend, look forward to this saturday!

Din't have time to go blading.. silly me, bring my blades here and there.. think I'm really crazy.. blade in J's room! hahahah....

Oh, poor Joy was caught in the Jam till midnight this morning.. think she must have rested the whole day today..
I'm so tired .. have headache since evening.. gonna sleep early tonite.. wkend passes by so quickly..

Lyn smile @ 10:41 PM

May 21, 2005

LeaRn to be hAppY.. learN to enJoY the Feel oF beInG loveD..

Hahaha... forevEr, woRds oF wisDom & feeLinGs.. I havE..
yeAh, thaT's mE! And yeaH, stArWars.. it Is.. hohohoo! Cun stanD me huh??

Well, today has beeN such a PeacefuL and Happy daY..
AftEr hearIng frM my freN, i realisEd it is so fortunatE to find someOne you are so Happy to be wiTh.. At leaSt she Is and I praY for theM to be wEll agaIn and stAnd by eacH other no matter what setbacks.. stRong again.. she teaCh me to be stronG to move on..

yEs, 18tH this Mth, i speNt it alOne.. DunnO why, I wish therE will be miRacle but mY prayers are noT ansWered.. It doesnt MatTer thoUgh.. LearN to let Go.. Ask if U havE to.. Not insist For a reAson..

I m so GlaD thIngs caMe back To noRmaL and I seNse more Gd tiMes wiLL coMe.. Be HappY! nO reAson to makE pple ard you And urseLf miseRable..
Life is So shOrt.. livE wiTh no regRets!

Oh ya, I managEd to blAde quIte ok nOw!
Erm, mY own opiniOn la.. bUt stiLl neeD to obserVe how pple blade, turn, stop.. etc.. hoPe weAther is fiNe tomorroW theN can go blaDe wiTh J.. anD obserVe.. keke

So much haPpened for The pasT week.. J passEd his IPPT.. gD woRk! He gonNa do stH to gaIn experiEnce for His futUre.. All the besT to him and Will suppoRt whaTeveR he does.. Me ah, I learN a loT.. And my grEatesT achiEvemenT is to blAde and gaiN confiDencE.. Also haD a gd resT to Move On =)

J's birthdaY is iN 2 daY's timE..

Lyn smile @ 10:25 PM

May 17, 2005

mY bladeS (new love)

Lyn smile @ 11:17 PM

May 15, 2005

YeaH, sunny Sunday! wEnt east CoasT witH J anD tried mY new blades.. LucKy J was around to coach me =) diN fall too much coS managEd to hold on to him before I fall.. Keke.. Hopefully a few more hours and I m better in It! Hahaha… Gosh! I m Tired..

NexT 18th of e Mth gonNa be different from the last that I can rem.. sPending it myself makes me treasure iT more.. hOpe it will be As memorabLe for both of Us..

Lyn smile @ 8:57 PM

May 14, 2005

Been a week since I last registered my thots and happenings.. probably jus becos too busy and tired by e end of the day.. Ops still rem i had to lie in bed on mon cos back pain pain frm the fall on sat and din rest over the wkend.. =p..

sunday=*=*= gLad mummy like the pearl pendant that J & I got her (",) for mom's day cum bday! Happy birthday mummy =)

Lord o e dance was terrific! J & I enjoyed it so much.. we even managed to get better seat then we bought.. haha..

Decisions are hard to make and when you know what you want and can't do without it, you have made your decision.. Jus need to bring a new life to it.. A mistake is a mistake only if you learnt nothing from it.. faith is important..

a New start... those eyes tell everything..

monday =*=*= lie in bed =((

tuesday =*=*= hopinG to get a pair of blades but still thinking.. maybe a secondhand one but J said he will buy me a new pair.. insisted to go and take a look thou..

wed =*=*= haha.. realised that my shopping syndrome has return! Bought 2 pair of shorts for blading.. keke

fri =*=*= everyone in wkend mood.. fix my blog yest nite.. slept little.. tired.. but still try to keep myself awake to finish day at work & meet J later.. Thot need to walk like zombie at compass point before J knocks off but he knew I m off early so he came pick me.. jus rite when I m done with work! Keke.. he’s in sport attire.. think he din change just not to make me wait?? Erm, I assume lar.. rum & rasin gelato is yummy.. craving for cheesecake or pasta.. sinful sinful!

Today has been a wonderful wonderful day! Din get to go meiya but we got my Rollerblades at parkway! Yeah, my own brand new blades.. =) also had pasta.. keke my craving..
Our Polo t.. love them!

Ooh.. it is raining! Storming.. keke.. quoted frm J.. lucky he got home before it rains.. we all can have a gd nite sleep tonite =) zzz… hahahha…

Hope the ground is dry tomorrow..
Yeh, . wont want to wait till end of the wk to jot my thots.. thou it is gd feeling recalling hw great my wk has been =) nite nite..

Lyn smile @ 11:07 PM

May 8, 2005

couRaGE does so much.. Yet, it takes more than courage to make some decisions..

Today, I tried rollerblading for the first time.. This idea has been in mY "To do" list for so long.. But thiS speCial person
makEs mE strOng enoUgh to leaRn.. it wAs meanT as A seCret to bE reveiled lateR but opS! I leT the SecRet ouT juS noW coS my Bum reaLLy hurT frOm the fAll wHeN saT sO lonG in the cInemA..

KekE, manaGed To walK & bLadE a Bit noW.. PraCtice PraCtice PraCtice & somE coAchinG! That whaT I nEed Now.. HopEfullY can bLade wELL eNouGh BeForE J's BiRthDaY.. AnD yeaH, anYonE can taKe Up anYthinG at anY age.. Keke.. (thIs is foR u.. U knoW whAt me TalkinG abT)

BacK to The CourAge Topic..
To moVe awAy frOm thE famiLaR peOple, PlaCe, hAbiT tAkes moRe ThAn juS couRagE.. mAny suCh decIsioNs R so diFfiCuLt to MaKe.. sO My conClusIoN is pEoPle mOve oN For sOmeThinG thEy thinK is BettEr FoR ThEm.. ElsE, TheY arE foRced to MovE aWaY..

Lyn smile @ 12:31 AM

May 6, 2005

bEaR BeAr From J

Lyn smile @ 12:33 AM


Ooh.. 6 May 2005.. happY BirThdAy lyn_journal!!

amazinG how friends are amused by the many 'feels' & 'expressions' I havE..
Gonna capture them all here ("p)

Lyn smile @ 12:11 AM