hOw was youR shorT week??
haD a gd resT?? noD nod.. keke... refreshing indeed ("p)/
On deepavali... neber go see lightings... but went tanning with J..
inItially arrangeD to go with freN, but she reaCh home real late the nitE before so thot it's better that she get enUf rest.. luckilY she din go, cos she was on MC yest.. secondary plan was to go mySelf.. but J said he will bRing me.. and whAt else can I complain abt eVen though he tooK his timE to do his thiNgs befoRe meeting me.. anD me, afrIad thaT it wiLL raiN like the Other times... keeP looKing at the direCtion to east coasT... eaCh time the skY look a bit clouDy and sun got hiddeN, my heaRt stoP for a whIle.. Been awhilE since i laSt tan.. so HappY that we manaGed to go thaT day.. \("p)/
sms J:" You sure you wanna bring me? Dun regret arh.. cos I will apply tanning lotion on u =p
Yep yeP!! I reaLLy did... and he intentionally pull hiS tshirt a bit.. i know he wanna get tan too... hahhaha.... seeing me applying tanning lotion..
he said:" You gonna sun tan when we go phuket?"
Me (Nod):" Yep!"
he said:" Ok, you can stop now. enUf oredI.. I should get tanner.."
Me (laugh out loud):" hahahhaha....hahahhah!!"
HaD anderseN's mango icecream afterthat... yuMMy =)
blinK blink thru weD and comes Hari Raya Puasa...
Laze ard the whole day... then J came.. and he starts glueing to the tv... hehe..
lonG since we laze at home.. had dinnEr with my parenTs and we continued to watch tv..
ocassionally discussing on the house reno..
resulT of a day's of tv, J went hoMe with headache.. keke.. ban from tV after he's home =p
YeaH!! fridaY le!
"Wo De Ming Zi Shi Jing San Shun" is the namE of the fiRst koreaN dramA serials I've completEd..
All thanks to my colleagues who help me accomplish this challenge!
Jas and sn for introducing such enJoyable and light-hearted drama =) and the reSt who acknowledge my lack of patience and laughed witH me abt that Fact =p weLL, i've overcoMe that.. hahhaha
Guess what? I'm cravIng for anotheR of such drama =pp but pls, no soapy typE.. can't stand all the cryinG and slow moving scenes.. keke... still pretty pickY hor ("p)/