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Oct 31, 2005

ThiS wk's gonNa be a shoRt weeK!!

BliNk! bliNK! bliNk!... very soon.. will be nxt wk and our trip to pHuket ("p)/

BotH of uS are stilL prettY exciteD abt haPpeningS receNtly.. guEss it will be the mOst evEntful OctobER for Me.. =) AlwAys love the MonTh of The yR.. keKe..

Yep, it's thE lasT daY of OcT.. HappY HalloweeN (^.^)

LiFe is noT alWays smOoth saiLing..

bE thankfuL, hoPefuL, joYfuL, caRefuL, chEErfuL, graTefuL, ResPectFul, trUthfuL & taCtfuL to urSeLf anD oTheRs...

Lyn smile @ 8:40 PM

Oct 27, 2005

HeY aLL!!

OnE otHer haPPy NeWs to shaRe ("p)/.. kekekek.... Hao Kai Xin..!!

ReaDy??... We gOt oUr fLat!! ThE MeAdow.. at PunGGoL!! Yeppie yePPie!!
So thankfUl things wenT weLL todAy and wanna bloG this rite aWay!

AfteR few daYs of stRess and frusTratioN and anXiety... All these are WortH the paNda eyes thaT wE earnEd.. OuT eveRy niTe till MidniTe to viEw the plaCes.. HearTs drOpped eaCh timE our 'PotentiaL' becOme "red" on the Net.. keke.. Eye it tiLL the veRy laSt seCond..

ToDaY we weNt to e Hub 1.5hrs beFore ouR apptM time.. and was Our tUrn afTer 4 hrS of waiT and AnxietY.. J heLd my hanD for 3 hrS.. cUn imAgine.. oh Ya.. the BesT paRt is.. he Dun leT me gO waShrooM.. in the End, both Of us run tO the wasHroom the moMent we gOt eveRythinG doNe.. hahahhah...

Jus to shAre this thEoRy thaT we cAme up With...
Some backgrOund fIrst.. we Got to knoW this exercise a Day after it was ReleAsed to thE puBlic.. so Our queue is 1288!! reM to buY 4-D arh! OurS is the 4tH daY afTernn.. So caN imaGine.. how StresSful it was.. on SundAy, We staRted viEwing the AreAs.. ManY ppLe lIke us alSo.. RealiSe thAt the resiDents duN comE out one..

The ThEory..
ThE ppLe whOse quEuE is fiRst daY are the 'KiAsu' tyPe.. maYb wIll chOose cheAper uNits..

PPle on 2nD daY arE the obedieNt serioUs type whO are Our competItoRs.. thEy waN the flat LiKe we dO..

ThOse on 3Rd daY..aRe the UncerTain tyPe.. =p Quoted frOm J :"U waNt to taKe numBer or Not?? want? dun wAnt?.. Ok lah.. taKe loR.." so enD up.. theY taKe at the enD of the Day and enD up 3rD daY..

4Th dAy.. arH.. pplE whO weNt earLy mornIng on 2nd daY of relEase.. PaiSeh.. e inTerEsted.. anD a biT desPerate grP.. so ThaT's uS!

HaPPy.. thaT we haD maDe anOther stEp fuRtheR! \("p)/

Lyn smile @ 6:58 PM

Oct 19, 2005

Life without internet is reaLLy 'Miserable'.. Hahaha... And the reason being.. ops! line not connected ("p) silly rite?!? Yeah Yeah!! I'm connected again =)

One week le.. kakakaka...

Last sunday, brought my parents to Sakae for lunch.. (so missed sentosa this time) Din let J join us cos it's our valuable family outing.. jus me, dad and mummy.. =) Was raining and drenched my plan to go suntanning after lunch with J but still very happy =p Yummy yummy sushi.. Dad is not a sushi type of person but mummy loves sushi.. and she won this time! Still tried order cooked for him.. soft shell crab.. hahahah...

Years back, I promised myself that I will bring my mum out for meal together and enjoy ourselves.. Realised that birthday is not about me oni.. it's about expressing appreciation to our parents and I will try to do this all the time.. =) After lunch, went shopping together.. wow! so long since we went shopping tog.. bought 1 mth present for my new niece.. dunno her name yet.. so she will be LeLe's mei mei for now ("p)/ Got this little princess a lovely dress and a pair of princess shoes.. so sweet!! It's white and pink! I wanna melt after seeing it and just set mind to get it! Din get the girrafe tshirt though i love it a lot since weeks ago =) maybe will buy it one day and hang it in my room! Happy haPPy =)

Met J after our shopping.. dad and mum suggest they continue shopping.. Since sunday is always short for me and J (he gotta go home for dinner), I went ahead to meet him =) Still raining.. all geared for suntanning but it's raining so heavily..

Met J at starhub to settle his scv stuff.. waah, his hse will be ktv soon.. hahahha... got pro karaoke leh.. OMG! we also printed some of the chalet photos.. nice nice =)

I was thinking about still making to the beach but perhaps enjoy the rain at mc cafe.. but before telling J, he suggest we go mc cafe for coffee..
J :" Hot drink or cold?"
Me:" Hot!!" grinning.. hao kai xin =)

As usual, I start snapping with the hp camera on our drinks.. Had a competition on whose shots are nicer =) We prefer his.. ya ya.. someone very HL liao =p

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Lyn smile @ 8:24 PM

Oct 12, 2005

A steP furTheR \("p)*~

deaR all, I'm taken!

I was in a confused state since saturday hahah... On saturday evening, J brought me to Citigems to look for a ring =) As I wasn't sure what it's for so that I know what exactly shld I be looking.. I asked him if it's a birthday gift.. Poor J found it hard to say it to me and I was confused by him from then..

Thinking that it's for my birthday, I din want him to spend too much on the ring.. So, eventhough I eyed on the Trilogy.. I din want to get it and suggest we look at something else somewhere.. Finally, found something nice and simple that is just my taste.. both J and I like it a lot and bought me ring =)

Later, he brought me to siglap for dinner as early celebration with mE.. Cos the actual day will be spent with my family at our chalet ("p)/

Nxt day was the actual day!! HapPy birthday! HappY biRthday! I rec'd all well wishes from my lovely friends =) the day was filled with surprises.. such a coincidence tat we met a grp of frens at the chalet and they too are so nice to give me their wishes.. keke..

Chalet cum bbq was WoW! my parent, bro and his gf joined us hours after we checked in.. guess what!? J was glued to the tv from the time we checked in.. OMG!!
Then they arrived with my cheesecake from Joy and Frances! yuMMy YummY!! Looks good also huh?! =p
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mummY is always so fun.. she even prepared decorations to take photo with the cake! and my dear bro and my boyfriend tease me that I am oredi.. ops! din let my age out.. no one else should disclose har! hahahhaha...

fooD, photos and laughters conclude the BBq session.. they went homE and we are left with the TV.. yep yep, glued to the tv again! =p But i still dun have my carrot cake!
keke, carrot cake was my special request and how can i not have it? sO we drove to coffee beaN and bought coffee and carrot cake! wooh yum yUm.. it does taste gd leh.. J also like the taste.. so it's not bad leh =p
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Not forgetting my strawberrY shortcakE with my dear angelS on thursday =) Look!
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how and when the engagement ring comes in?! keke, it's a secret on how is it happened.. something jus between J and Lyn..
Took me so long to recover from the shock.. hehe.. slow huh?! noW, jus feel settled and clear of where we are.. The thought of it is that the idea is so sweet..
As Joy said, engagement is to let everyone know that we are a step nearer (promote from bf/gf status.. or place deposit oredi).. to share with close friends our joy and happiness..

We are progressing after 5 yrs 6 mths and 21 days together.. and counting =)

haPpy birthday and happy engagement, Lyn kekekekek...

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Lyn smile @ 12:16 AM

Oct 2, 2005

HaPpY ChiLdReN's DaY!!

Heehee~~ \("p)/ too old to celebrate this day huh?! Well, 'Kai Xin Jiu Hao'! Not afraid to be called childish.. I m glad that I have childlike colleagues and friends to celebrate children's day.. My FaVorite Day =)

This favOrite daY thingy came abt in one of our 'chitchat session'.. yeP, some of them like CNY, some mooncake festival.. and Me?? Hehe, it has to be Children's Day!
Colleague: But you celebrate children's day meh?
Bearlyn: Keke, erm sort of.. every year will give candy to J.. hahah..
Colleague: Then will we have candies from you this year?
Bearlyn (excited): Yeah yeah!!

This year's Childre's Day is especially meaningful n kai Xin ("p)*~
Started looking for lollipops from wednesday and customised each lollipop and gift tag based on my 'feel' for each 'XiaoPengYou'! Bel got her 'order' (chocolates), Jas got purple gift tag, Theresa and Zann should like cola, Apple lollipop with yellow gift tag for Karen for her 'Sunshine image', Sweet grapes for Xiaotiantian, Apple and pink tag for sweet Jes, Hello Kitty and The incredibles stickers for Jas's little ones... Hehe... Spiderman car for J!
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Eve of children's day.. all the gifts are in my bag.. really excited all the way from home to office.. When everyone is settled down, I started giving out the lollipops! Excited excited!! "HappY Children's Day" was exchanged among us =) Surprised that Jas got us pooh bear biscuits =) I chose the very colourful tin.. yeah love it!

Got J the spiderman car this year.. planned for a big lollipop but can't find it anywhere =p almost let it out when talking to J the previous nite.. when I finally gave him the car, he was 'lost for words' or it is the normal reaction he always gives me.. hahhahah... I think we are both amazed by the different designs it can be transformed.. 8 of them leh!! stated on the box lar.. then it's photo taking of the car with the handphone.. and another session of the car and mE with J's camera.. snap snap snap!
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Yesterday, we went Night Safari!
Hehe, I having 'night blindness'.. erm, that's what he said.. was practically trying to figure out what was that thing moving in the bushes.. on the tree.. J was stressed with the camera cos we were told not to have flashes.. so even the best cam that he said he got became 'handicapped'.. heheheh...

Wow! so many tourists! think there are more tourist than the zoo =) once again, I was impressed by how pple were guided throughout the expedition.. No one will get lost and everyone will cover all the trails..

The night expedition starts with the Night creature show.. full of surprises and adored the cute animals.. like the small recycling creatures best!
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Oh ya, J wasd part of the show leh.. the finale some more.. hahahhah... he was asked the passed the bag and that Louis guy shouted and everyone jus shouts! Thinking there's snakes in it.. at the end of the show, said to J," Hey, you famous oredi... u were part of the show leh!"

Fishing cat trail, Leopard trail and Forest Giant Trail were completed in 3.5hrs.. tired and 'blind'.. but enjoyed the experience..("p)/ thought the giraffes will be asleep.. but hey, they were munching on leaves.. keke, my favourite animal =) almost bought the soft toy..
J goes:" U want the giraffes? Long time nvr get u soft toy oredi.. final chance.. else, we go home le!"
Me:" Nope, let's go.. (reluctantly of course)"

Wooh!! What a Children's day I had.. why does it have to be restricted to only 12 yr old and below.. we had a great time too!
Fantastic evening!

Lyn smile @ 2:57 PM