Oct 31, 2005
ThiS wk's gonNa be a shoRt weeK!!
BliNk! bliNK! bliNk!... very soon.. will be nxt wk and our trip to pHuket ("p)/
BotH of uS are stilL prettY exciteD abt haPpeningS receNtly.. guEss it will be the mOst evEntful OctobER for Me.. =) AlwAys love the MonTh of The yR.. keKe..
Yep, it's thE lasT daY of OcT.. HappY HalloweeN (^.^)
LiFe is noT alWays smOoth saiLing..
bE thankfuL, hoPefuL, joYfuL, caRefuL, chEErfuL, graTefuL, ResPectFul, trUthfuL & taCtfuL to urSeLf anD oTheRs...