so Proud of ourselves =)
Apr 27, 2008
We are couples who do not go to travel fairs.. wedding shows.. bridal shows.. furniture fairs.. John little sales etc.. be it near or far.. I will blame it on J.. cos I will go to airshows with him.. pc shows with him.. but all these that we missed don't mean much to me as long as we get what we want in the end.. Sometimes, I do find all these preparations stressful.. The more we know and compare, the more stressed we get.. why not just go with our heart or 6th sense and go for it?! hahahhaha... stress free and lazy lyn talking.... kai xin jiu hao ma!=D
Know what?! we went to the Babytalk last sat! and this sat, we went TMC for the hospital tour!! And after the tour, we even got little lyn these!
and these!
Our precious saturday afternoon spent to understand more about what to expect during labour etc made weekend more fulfilling than ever =)
Isn't this cute? Let's get it!
And these are from the Baby Talk
Oh yes.. and I'm starting to read to her =) J says she can only hear us from the 6th mth.. hmm.. nevermind, let me rehearse a bit before she can really hear me =D
Now I understand a little bit more of how a mummy feel.. a little ache doesn't hurt.. worry about how your baby is.. whether she is growing well.. does make you scared..
To all mummies.. you do deserve a well celebrated Mother's Day! The Daddies shouldn't complain =D hahahhaha.....