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Next milestone

Feb 5, 2016

I'm actually a little guilty towards janelle.. It's rare that I have the time to write about her growing progress..

And she amazed me on her very loving and outstanding characteristics..

She can be a zesty little girl too..

After a month at nursery, she has definitely grown up a lot.. Her independence made everything easier..

With other days of throwing tantrums, I think she did excellent after the first mth..

Glad that she started to describe n share what she did in sch to us without any probing.. She can even tell us what the teacher said.. Which is comforting to know cos I believe that kids who listen will benefit more on teachings by Teachers..

To me, they are just a white piece of paper.. It's important to paint the right Colours on them so that they have a right start..

They r going to spend many hours in sch n I think gd character building is essential.. Thus, I will prefer religion based kindergarten.. Even if it's not what our belief..

Anyway, what made me wanna blog today is so that I will rem the time when janelle share that she had water play by the pool in her sch.. I Guess it's her first time.. She enjoyed it n said teacher told them not to splash water out.. So cute.. I can imagine her following teacher's instructions n when her friends don't do as instructed, she will tell her fren..

Today, she's really happy that she get to wear her favourite dress to sch for celebration! Singing early in the morning..

Grow well, my little one..

Lyn smile @ 8:10 AM

My baby has grown up

Jan 21, 2016

At the 3rd week of primary two, ezanne shared with me what she will be doing at recess time..

She planned to sit at the round table with her friend and go to the Eco-garden to look for butterflies..

During her 1st year of pri school, it's worrying that she don't know how to buy food, can't finish in time , eating noodles Everyday etc.. Now, she will try other food choices, enjoy her friends ' company..

Even when library in her own.. Perhaps it's because of the familiar environment n that she can find friends everywhere in sch..

Glad she is doing well in school n definitely looking fwd to hearing her share her experience with me.

Lyn smile @ 8:22 AM

Another week to my short break

Nov 22, 2015

Not exactly a break but still, it's a break frm work n to be able to be with my girls!

Hope we can have some fun n enjoy our time tog:) 

But as usual, before my break, I have to survive a round of uncertainty n hardwork.. But then, i will jus have to put in my best n push on!

Gd luck!

Lyn smile @ 4:15 PM

Challenging times

Nov 6, 2015

Been focusing a lot on the girls.. For the past mths, our priority is on our career while we let the girls be more independent.. 

They have bonded well n it's lovely to see hw big sis looks after n at times, instruct lil sis around the hse.. N lil sis will follow big sis's instructions but at times will bully n hit big sis.. 

J has made a great move in his career n we r supportive of it. I know it's not easy of him to get out of his comfort zone.. And am proud of his willingness to blend into a new environment. This is the stage of his life when he shld focus on his career n do his best without much worries abt little children..

While I think I may need to take on a bigger role at home for the girls, another part of me keeps pushing the boundary n moved me further in my job.. I appreciate the support n approvals of the bosses n really feel thankful.

So after not much thoughts, I decided that I might jus do my best.. But my priorities is always the children.. 

It's not easy but I think ezanne is a responsible girl whom I can let loose a little to let her take charge of her own work.. But mummy will always be around to guide her..

Really hope janelle will follow her big sis n be motivated.. 

Had a little talk with the girls last nite explaining that daddy n mummy might not make it for certain events cos we r working hard jus like her in sch.. But when we can, we will definitely be there especially when meeting Teachers or for her performance..

From young, they know that mummy n daddy need to work n can't be there all the time.. But we will always try to turn up for sch events n make time for them..

This is what I need them to know.. That we r always there..

Let us be proud of ourselves n work hard!!

Lyn smile @ 7:53 AM

First model student certificate

Sep 18, 2015

Few days after the star pupil award, she brought home this..

Hope there r more to come over the many more years in sch..

Lyn smile @ 6:15 PM

Feeling proud

Sep 1, 2015

It has been 9 mths since ezanne started her primary school journey.

Really proud of her every accomplishments. . She has exceeded our expectations so far n we r always encouraging her in every ways we can..

This sep, she got her first award Frm sch.. being the star pupil for the habit of 'synergize'.. after nomination from her class teacher, she was voted by her frens to b the star pupil for the class 😀

She was able to do better than wat i imagine in a big environment.

Good job, ezanne!

Lyn smile @ 8:07 AM

Her first primary sch report book

May 27, 2015

It's 3 days to June school holiday!

Ezanne n mummy have all worked hard!

She just got her report book n we r all so proud of her!

With continuous help in school n at home, she will excel academically!  Our hard work is all worth while. .

Now for the deserved break!

Looking fwd to our short getaway in June!

Lyn smile @ 10:47 PM

School days..

Jan 22, 2015

Day 4 as sahm: just when I'm starting to enjoy it, it's the 2nd last day staying home as full time sahm!

Told J the other nite that it's enough after 2 days.. but then I sort of enjoy it.. my gers are so much bonded with me.. nice to hve them ard all the time.. N I enjoyed that 1 to 2 hrs me-time. . Jus lazing in front of the TV instead of rushing to work n rushing home..

Enjoyed seeing my gers finish home cook lunch n dinner.. enjoyed picking them up from sch.. happy smiley faces. . Little janelle will say:"I'm back!" Whenever I pick her up..

N ezanne will make sure she let her teacher knows that mummy is here before she leaves...

I jus love it seeing her look after meimei. . Trying to talk to her when she starts to throw tantrum.. looking out for her.. whether she's crying in her sleep..

While janelle will look for jie jie when she wakes up..

Although they do fight with each other, that's normal ..

for the very first time today, janelle din cry in sch!! Feeling so accomplished =)

Jie jie promised to give her star stickers if she dun cry.. N will give heart sticker if she collects enough star ones!

Ezanne does well in sch too..

What else can I ask for?? I'm totally thankful for what I hve..


Lyn smile @ 10:08 AM

Year 2015

Jan 5, 2015

I wish for a better year in year 2015!

The first week was so exciting for the family.. With 2 girls starting school in a new environment.

After the first 2 days at ezanne's school, I'm proud of her n am confident that she will adapt well in her new school! She is absolutely excited n happy abt her new school life. It's comforting to see how independent she has grown.. I hope she will enjoy school n continue learning..

I can see some parents so prepared n kiasu when it comes to curriculum n exam. Well, I thought I was anxious enough but I guess I'm still considered laid back after looking at them.. anyway, I think I will learn with ezanne along the way.

We should be fine 😊

Although janelle on the other hand is crying on her first day of sch, I'm sure she will b ok in a few days' time.. she has always been the tough one.. Jus need some assurance.. N been thru ezanne crying in her younger days, I m less worried...

J is equally anxious n I'm glad he is so involved in the girls' first days at sch..

Going bk to wk tmr.. All the best!

Lyn smile @ 5:20 PM

Merry x'mas

Dec 26, 2014

After a gd celebration at home last wk end. . I thought I will hve much fun with the family over this x'mas holiday..

But I ended up lying on bed the whole x'mas.. how bad can tat be?

It started with vomiting on the eve then the migraine attack on x'mas day. I thought I won't wanna go thru morning sickness ever again but this is even worse.

Well, jus wanna say.. I had the best x'mas dinner n x'mas gift.. Jus too bad, I'm not tat fortunate to be able to enjoy them totally..

But throughout  this terrible time, I'm glad J was around to look after the girls... appreciate tat n I made sure I let him know it before I left for work.

Love the very awesome presents I got this yr!

From a pink thermo flask from J, a coach key chain from Bro n sil, lip balm from sil, landyard from fren, to a tiffany bracelet from mil!!! I'm blessed with such perfect gifts.. really!!

This has been a truly different x'mas n I wish all my frens n family a healthy yr ahead!

Lyn smile @ 7:50 AM

Ezanne's orientation day

Nov 16, 2014

A week from her graduation concert, we attended her primary sch orientation day..

Saw a different ger from the once shy little ger. .

Hope she will continue to grow n learn in the new environment. .

Lyn smile @ 9:26 PM

Catching up

Oct 9, 2014

Finally got myself back to blogging n I realised a yr had passed. 

My last blog was when ezanne turned 5 n I supposed janelle was 1.

So much happened n I thought coming bk to blogging will b a great way for me to voice my happiness as well as to de - stress when I need to..

N today is my birthday.. my 34th n that's quite a big number.

Time flies jus like that ever since the gers' birth. Everyday passed no matter what. . Even if they r unbearable or exciting.. happy or sad, the clock still continues to tick, no one can change that..

I m thankful for yet another yr.. although the last few mths had been challenging n tough for us.. I made me realised what kind of person I m.. what n who r impt to me.. how I needed my family n religion to lead me along n give me hope.. I m jus a normal person who is equally vulnerable when I met with situations that I have no control on..

Every birthday, I'm thankful to b blessed with wishes from friends.. It means a lot to me.. being someone not as expressive n out - going,  connecting with friends with my heart is the only way. .

Being older, my birthday wishes r no longer abt myself but to pple around me.. my dearest family.. I wish for them to b healthy n happy..

Lyn smile @ 3:09 PM

Ezanne has turned 5!

Oct 3, 2013

Ezanne is 5 now :) my wishes for her are that she's well n happy. Be appreciative of what she has and empathize with the less fortunate.

This yr, I made it a point to celebrate she birthday in a special way.. Preparation started a mth ago when we got her friends' gifts.. Then finally decided to make jellies for her sch celebration. Along the way, we planned for mei mei's lil party.. So that she will not feel left out, we arranged for a party amongst us last Sunday.. She's definitely eager abt it.

The play party was fun for her and she's getting better in her candles blowing skills.. Haaa... 

On her birthday, we brought her to sch.. Which is already a treat to her! N to b in the centre of attention, she's getting better in managing the awkwardness..

The finale was the trip to sea aquarium.. An experience that we all enjoyed..

We had a great day full of exciting activities.. Topped up with cake n gift at granny's Hse.. 

Today shall b a day when I shall remind her to be thankful of what she has n that things dun come easily..

Happy birthday Ezanne..

Lyn smile @ 8:08 AM

Love my balance life

Aug 20, 2013

I love this moment when my life is so balanced.. Feeling comfortable with the multiple caps I wear..

I'm a partner to the man in the hse.. So loving in our own subtle way.. Finding meeting points in midst of our busy routine.. Enjoying our little dates tog..

I'm a friend to my little preschooler who loves chatting with me.. Looking out for bits of time requesting that I play in her little space.. We played everything n especially enjoyed playing duets on the piano when I learn from her n minding our fingering.. I'm a teacher who teaches her whatever I know.. Trying to make it fun to keep her interested.. Her enthusiastic n responsiveness made everything so worthwhile.. I'm glad I'm such diligent teacher who nvr gives up.. I too am a discipline master who lectures n insist reasonable manners.. Punishment still comes when she's too naughty. However, she knows it's because of intolerable behaviour.. Lastly, I'm a mummy who cares for her everyday needs n wakes her on wkday morning.. Seeing her to her sch bus n putting my best to cook for her.. Bringing her to places n pampering her at times.. Making sure she's well rested for the active day to come..

Now that we have a little bb at home, juggling time between the 2 girls is challenging.. I'm beginning to do the same for the little one as well. Though it's demanding, I'm sure it can b done with hb's help.. My little one adores her n I realized the elder girl puts daddy on her heart all the time.. Heartening to know that mummy n daddy are their best friends nw..

Finally, my role as a confident worker who achieve satisfaction from her work n ever learning.. Fortunate to b in a ground where there is endless learning n sky is the limit.. With additional roles at work, it made my job more meaningful n interesting..

With so much, I still need a little 'me' time when I can go shopping or jus laze on the couch n watch discovery home channel..

I hope we can venture out more n more will b achieved..

Lyn smile @ 7:56 AM

My babies

Aug 9, 2013

Ezanne has grown up so much.. Always amused by her. She is jus so innocent.. My ever cheerful ger..

And my little precious janelle.. She's almost 1 yr old n it's really too fast before I realized hw much she has grown up too. Never fail to exhibit her big warm smile.. :) looking at u n waiting for u to smile back to her.. She is so so adorable! A sociable little one who loves to play :)

Thankful n feeling blessed.. :)

Our family photo on national day!

Lyn smile @ 12:14 PM

The 4 yrs old talking

Jul 25, 2013

Ezanne is really funny.. Talking like a big kid nw..

She jus made us laugh out loud .

 The Prince kissing princess.. Exclaimed Ezanne.. That is what a 4yr old see when daddy gave mummy a peck. Haaa...

She's an imaginative girl n always quick to link up ideas.. 

Gd nite my lil princesses..

Lyn smile @ 10:45 PM

SAM - art garden

Jul 4, 2013

On a hazy day.. We had fun at the art garden! My little girl has grown to b more independent n she loves it since our last visit 2 yrs ago..

Our lunch at olio dome.. Yumzz..

Her fav.. Rainbow bridge..
And treasure at the end of the rainbow..
Hooray! Hope to visit the museum with janelle nxt time :)

Lyn smile @ 4:35 PM

Best concert ever!

Jun 17, 2013

Sunday, 16 jun 13.

Ezanne performed her first concert in her class with her classmates.. She exhibited control and confidence.. Excited to show everyone.. N telling her little sister nt to make noise.. Haaa..

After 12 lessons, the children completed lvl 1 n did their mini- concert yesterday..

We enjoyed the performance! 

And her reward that she threw away after 2 licks..

Pocky frm daddy is the best!

Lyn smile @ 8:15 AM

Finally able to post photos!

Jun 14, 2013

Lyn smile @ 10:58 PM

Jay chou nite out

Fantastic nite out tog..
Dinner experience..
Being 12-13 years of fan for Jay Chou.. We grow old tog with him n our r'ship continues to grow with him.. He's so close to us n so real.. 

J decided that we park farther to get away frm the carpark jam that we always got into after the concert.. N although the walk was a little far, we enjoyed that special time tog n managed to get home within 30mins :D

Felt a little emo after the concert.. Nt sure why.. But definitely had great time n cherish our little date :D

Lyn smile @ 10:56 PM

Happy Friday

Had the best shopping experience ever :)

Love my buys!!
Pretty tops n dresses frm gap

My first time shopping at gap..

And my very first coach.. Something that I like n it's on discount.. Haa. N best of all, J volunteer to sponsor me.. :)

Reached home n cooked Indo-Mee n it's so yummy!

Lyn smile @ 10:46 PM

Looking forward to the easier days..

Apr 8, 2013

So much happening at home since janelle came along.. That's becoz everyone's adjusting n it's not any better with J's work trip..

Janelle has been a much easier bb except for her feedings.. N I'm thankful jus for that.. Being tiny since birth, I dun mind waking up few times in a night to feed her.. Her weight issue is always my concern. N m so glad she kept up n is nearly 6kg when we weigh her last sat..

Nw I truly believe things r not perfect.. There is surely something that is not what u expect.. The girls r gd examples..

Ezanne is mischievous at times n really made me pull my hair.. But she's diligent n easy to teach.. I hope I won't hve prob with her learning jus as nw..

Janelle is loving but will fuss to show her dislike.. Something that we need to figure out..

But generally, they r so 'mummy' girls.. Love to spend time with them.. Snuggle tog n hve girl's talk.. :)

As janelle n Ezanne approach 6mths n 4.5yrs, I'm looking fwd to more cheerful moments tog!

With the maid issue behind us for nw n a holiday awaiting nxt mth, I jus hope everything will stabilize.. With kids, there is no 'pause' to anything.. It's always meeting their needs n I jus need to treat myself better frm nw.. Haaa...

Lyn smile @ 7:56 AM

A 4 yr old talking

Apr 5, 2013

Was waiting with her for her sch bus..

Ezanne, m I fat?
E: nope. Cannot say pple fat.
Me: laughing
E: u r skinny, alrite?!
Me: laugh harder
E: u know I'm joking right?
Me: yes, I know u r joking.. Laughing
E: I'm jus joking, alrite?
Me: haaaaahaaaahaaaa...

Lyn smile @ 5:09 PM

A 4 yr old talking

Mar 12, 2013

Was waiting with her for her sch bus..

Ezanne, m I fat?
E: nope. Cannot say pple fat.
Me: laughing
E: u r skinny, alrite?!
Me: laugh harder
E: u know I'm joking right?
Me: yes, I know u r joking.. Laughing
E: I'm jus joking, alrite?
Me: haaaaahaaaahaaaa...

Lyn smile @ 7:36 AM

How strong can I be..

Mar 6, 2013

Gotta face it again.. I think I will b able to go thru it like the last few times.. Looking fwd to spending time with my girls.. Though I know it won't b a breeze..

It's hard esp with a tired body n mind.. Well, will jus relax n nt stress myself out.. Hang in there..

Lyn smile @ 4:43 PM

Happy valentines

Feb 15, 2013

This was a special vday as he finally got the flowers delivered to my office! I felt so pampered :)

Although the excuse he gave to ask me for the address was 'lame', it only shows what guy he is.. Haha..

That evening, he picked me up n something unusual happened.. He met an irresponsible driver whom he decided to confront. Seeing how he dealt with the situation impresses me! It's so gentlemanly n matured..

So this vday, I had a special feeling for my valentines..

He too received my gift of a shaver to replace the one I gave him some 8 years ago.. It's our 13th vday as that is when I first met him.. I'm so glad we found each other.

Lyn smile @ 6:27 AM

First posting in 2013

Jan 2, 2013

It's a rainy morning..

Lil baby is 13 weeks today n time flies with a bb n a preschooler to care for. Another mth n I will b back to work. Ezanne will start k1 next week!

May the new yr b full of joy n excitement!

Lyn smile @ 8:35 AM

All abt adaptability

Nov 30, 2012

From the time we decided to hve our no.2, our lives are all abt changes and adapting.. For 4 years, focus is jus on no.1 n we hve already moved on frm bb to toddler n nw a preschooler. To go thru all over again is a big choice!

Pregnancy wasn't easy.. Extra care tis time with daily dose of yucky medicine throughout the first trimester. Was a little relieved when the morning sickness went off n no more Chinese medicine.. With a bigger tummy, it's aso easier to get a seat on the trains.. Haa.. Things went well till we realized that natural birth is nt possible.. Bb is breeched n we only had the option of caesarean. Some stress came along hoping that bb will decide to turn..

Now that we welcomed the new addition, it's bigger change to the whole family once again.. Now I hve less than 6 hrs intervals sleep n my life is all abt the 2 girls nw. Ezanne took quite awhile to get use of us giving attention to her lil sister.. Daddy being the only man in the hse, takes care of us.. The lil girls r growing up a little each day n it's jus heartwarming to go thru it.

Lyn smile @ 3:06 PM

A different birthday

Oct 22, 2012

Finally, my birthday after my darlings'..

This yr, I spent it with our newest addition.. Janelle. N in hospital cos jus gave birth to her..

J got me my present weeks before.. Told him nt to get any cake cos I hve a wound.. But later that nite, Ezanne came visited me n Mei Mei with a small mousse cake.. It's heartwarming to hear my darling wish me happy birthday n she gave me a generous smooch! Wat I shld b thankful is that the cake was frm my mil who rem my bday. :)

I had the nicest, back to basic birthday.. For there is nothing but simple love.

Lyn smile @ 4:38 PM

Happy birthday, my little baby

After 4 years, we are blessed to have our 2nd little princess, Janelle.

Throughout the 10 mths of pregnancy, daddy has been extremely hardworking to take on all the hsework at home.. This little one has always been small no matter how much durian I tried to eat. And she chose to be straight up from the beginning till the end and therefore, we gotta sch for caserean on 8 Oct. That was the last day that gynae proposed to us.. we tried to give her more time to change her mind and head down..

But this little one has her own plan to see the world.. After our dinner and settling all the things for the big day, I went to bed as usual.. But suddenly, I felt a kick and then noticed that the waterbag has burst.. Calmly, I checked to confirm and called out for J. He's excited and quickly said, Ok let's go to the hospital now.

When my waterbag breaks when I had Ezanne, he was calmer then.. He could get dinner while I bath before we head for the hospital and even climbed up the overhead bridge at the hospital.. He's definitely more anxious this time.. Well, I was too cos it's a full burst rather than jus bag break..

In 15mins, we reached the hospital.. It's 11.20pm. I have called the hospital to get them ready and to inform my gynae.. To know that I'm 4cm dilated and starting to feel some contraction.. It's probably is the walking and chasing at cold storage after dinner that hastened the labour.

Gynae did a last check that the bb still hasn't turn and confirmed a c-section immediately.. Was pushed to the operating threatre and that was when I started to shiver and fear.. it's scary there.. I then had m dose of epidural and I started to shiver even more.. later did I know that it's a side effect of epidural..

When finally came in with my gynae, he assured me that it's ok.. but i whispered to him that I'm really scared.. At that moment, I so wanted to back out.. Gynae was assuring..  Within minutes, she said she's gonna pull the bb out.. Oh my, I was totally lost for words..

J looked over and he saw the bb. Hmm, his 2nd time seeing the purplish bb and I guessed he's braver than many daddy.. then the photo taking.. haa.. I'm jus thinking.. is this over.. I wanna get out of here..

The nurse carried the bb to me.. the first time I held her.. I din have the urge to carry her longer at that moment though.. I believe it has something to do with mother instinct.. at least that what I see in animal planet. haa.... that is why mother rabbits bite their bb, some animals even trampled their bb.. that short while of 'unexplained rejection'.. although the feeling was jus moments.. I longed to see my bb after that..

That was how our bb Janelle chose to see the world.. hours ahead than our scheduled c-section. Well, I sort of expected and am happy that we eventually dun have to choose her birthday for her. But she decided to say hello on the same day by her own choice =)

Happy Birthday, Janelle Yun Xin =)

Lyn smile @ 1:42 PM

Ezanne is 4!

Oct 17, 2012

The day that we have been waiting for.. and we definitely celebrated it the 'bigger' way.. =)

Finally decided on the strawberry shortcake cake for the little ger cos no one wants to stick the peppa pig picture for us.. a little disappointed but the birthday ger is jus as happy..

We brought her to sch that morning with her big cake and bag full of goody bags.. But as we reached sch, she started to feel uneasy and afraid that i will leave.. Standing in front of the kids and trying to assure her at the same time.. then the finale of the assembly, Ezanne was up at the front and all the children at the morning session sang Happy Birthday song for her.. She was caught by the much attention and was 'blur'.. Can't even blow her own candles.. but was so quick in cutting her cake.. haa

At breaktime, the little girl couldn't hold her emotions anymore and cried when she saw me.. we joined the class and here's the class photo
Those little ones enjoyed the cake!

After sch, she showed me the present from her English teacher.. She later used it like a clutch bag. haa..
Daddy brought us to downtown east for lunch and she enjoyed her fish at fish and Co.

Jumping around at downtown east..
Proceeded to the indoor playground at Kidz explorer and wow! we had so much fun there.. too bad mummy's phone went flat and only had the camera to take pictures..

Here's a beautiful photo before the phone went out..
She loves the pool of balls and the big playground.. Ezanne and daddy went up and down countless times and that big kid slide down with her.. haa.. and she will shout.. 'go daddy go!' haa.. i think he definitely prefer to play with her this way.. leave the dolls and books to mummy..

After 2 hrs of play.. we went home for our naps.. mummy was so tired too.. looking at them play..
Daddy gave her a treehouse as birthday present.. she loves it.. her fairies went to nap with her..

After nap, mummy's turn.. a meaningful gift for the 4 yr old..
At 4 years old, mummy gave her little girl her first ezlink card, card holder and a minnie book.. was surprised when she read the colours of the rainbow effortlessly thru a song she learnt in sch.. mummy gotta learn it over again.. haa.. and i bet daddy dun know the colours cos his eyes opened real big when she read it.. haaa...

We joined her grandparents and aunt for dinner at a restaurant at punggol promenade.. The Jap restaurant that we planned to go had closed down.. hmm.. so it's chinese food for the nite..

After dinner, headed back to grandparents place to cut her birthday cake..

Ezanne had a blessed 4th birthday =)

Lyn smile @ 1:41 PM

Ezanne is 4! ~ the day before

Oct 1, 2012

The long awaited day is tmr!

She's really excited abt it n so m I :) got ready her goodie bags, cake n birthday dress.. Jus for her special day of the yr..

Kids nowadays are so fortunate.. N today, jus before she sleeps, I taught her to b thankful n nt waste food cos some children have no food to eat. Aso that presents r gifts n not a must..

My little bb will b 4 yrs old in awhile..

I love to pamper her but remained mindful that she dun take things for granted or expect things to come easy.. Some values that as parents we gotta remind ourselves too as we always want to give them the best that we can provide..

My wish for her to b ever so sweet n healthy.. Be happy n enjoy learning.. Be thankful for what she has..

Happy birthday, Ezanne!

Mummy n daddy love u.. U r always our baby..

Lyn smile @ 11:25 PM

17 sep

Sep 18, 2012

The day started with a sweet ger easily coaxed to watch her growing bean sprout.. She said gd nite to her daddy who was still sleeping..

Met hb n the wait for my appt was pleasantly short.. Sort of expected hw the lil one will fair.. N frm then hb n I had all the alternate days in mind.

Long wait n finally end of the day for shopping with hb at taka.. Had been long since we went shopping.. We got a nice present for ezanne n planned to get her fav soft toy frm amazon.. And a meaningful present frm mummy.. Hee..

Wonder if it's anything but felt crampy after that.. Bb had been moving alot during the day. My craving for fried guo tiao wasn't satisfied.. Haa..

Told hb that nxt time oct will b jus like x'mas.. We will b busy getting presents n celebrate in oct :)

After a failed excursion to search for something I like.. Hb suggested we go see other bags or to Tiffany.. Well, I must admit that I'm nt someone who is easily pleased n so can't find anything I like after walking in n out boutique last fri..

So we decided to try Tiffany n I'm so glad that I got a nice necklace that watching hb's pocket.. Haa.. Jus enuf to satisfy my Tiffany craving.. He preferred another one but I go with wat I need.. Hee.. Din knw his budget is so high.. Else would hve gone to see other bags.. Haaa..

Back to pick my princess.. She's in a dazed in her pj waiting for us.. M thankful that mil bathe her.. The lil ger was elated to see the lantern daddy got her n was cooperative to keep it till nxt wkend.. Haa.. Well, she was simply too happy to see us back n definitely missed mummy!
We had a short nite tog doing the usual stuff before gg to bed.. She still din hve enuf of mummy n keep calling me n kissed me several times.. Wooe! This is wat is absence makes the hearts fonder?? Haaa... I definitely enjoyed it.. Till she finally fell asleep..

Wat a day to rem.. I'm blessed :)

Lyn smile @ 8:13 AM